What is a USDA Home Loan?
USDA Home Loans are the only no money down option available to non-military homebuyers.
Through Section 502 Guaranteed Rural Home Loans, buyers have access to low rates, less stringent eligibility requirements, and 100% financing.
This is all made possible because the loan is guaranteed by the United States Department of Agriculture.
Why Was it Created?
The USDA developed the Section 502 Rural Home Loan to entice families to move from metropolitan areas and to build up rural communities.
It is important to note that there are many eligible areas for the USDA loan program. Approximately 97% of the United States land mass is eligible for USDA and many families we speak to are surprised that they already live in an eligible area.
Am I Eligible?
Any individual or family who plans to occupy a home located in an eligible USDA area as their primary residence may qualify for the Section 502 Guaranteed Rural Home Loan.
All applicant(s) for the USDA loan must provide sufficient income verification and a credit history that indicates an ability and willingness to meet repayment obligations.